EA DOGM128 Driver  0.1
Driver code for the EA DOGM128
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Getting Started With the EA DOGM128

The Electronic Arts DOGM128 is a 64x128 resolution dot matrix display. It interfaces over SPI; this library was developed to make it easy and straight forward to use.

Before writing any code, we must wire the display to the microcontroller. The schematics shown below illustrate the required connections.

The technical writeup for this project can be found here in PDF form or in Microsoft Word form

DOGM128 Sideboard Schematic

Main Board Schematic

Once the display is properly connected, the user may begin to code. The following code snippet illustrates how to write a simple program for this display using the ATMega128. Of course, this snippet only illustrates a small preview of the functions in this library. Please explore the rest of this page for an in-depth overview of this library.

#include <iom128.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "DOGM128_driver.h"
void main(void)
DDRB = 0x37; /* Set SS_bar, MOSI, SCK, reset, and A0 to outputs,
* leave rest alone.
dog_init(DOG_INVERTED_DISPLAY,0x16); /* Initialize Display */
printf("Line %d: %c Hello World",1, 128); /* Print Line */
dog_draw_rectangle(0,8,127,63,0,'s'); /* Draw a rectangle */
/* Print the "LATEX" Logo */
dog_putchar_select(25, 20, 'L');
dog_putchar_select(23, 26, 'A');
dog_putchar_select(25, 32, 'T');
dog_putchar_select(29, 38, 'E');
dog_putchar_select(25, 44, 'X');
dog_set_page(6); /* Set printing page */
dog_set_column(20); /* Set printing column */
printf("Hello Rectangle"); /* Print "Hello Rectangle */
dog_print_buffer(); /* IMPORTANT: Print buffer to screen */
Result of above code